# 問題 / Question 答案 / Answer
1 什麼是載具? 載具是指可以用來傳遞、儲存或運輸各種物品、信息或訊息的物件或系統。
What is a vehicle? A vehicle is an object or system that can be used to deliver, store, or transport various items, information, or messages.
2 智慧載具是什麼? 指搭載先進技術的交通工具,以提高其安全性、效率和便利性。智慧載具通常搭載許多不同的嵌入式系統和感測器,以監測車輛及其環境的各種條件,並透過電腦系統進行數據處理和控制。
What is a smart vehicle? Refers to transportation vehicles equipped with advanced technology to improve their safety, efficiency and convenience. Smart vehicles typically incorporate various embedded systems and sensors to monitor various conditions of the vehicle and its environment, and process and control data through computer systems.
3 智慧載具研發中心的主要研發領域是什麼? (1) 全系列商用貨車電氣化之開發以及底盤測試驗證用動力計建置;
(2) 先進駕駛安全輔助系統 (ADAS)之開發與應用;
(3) 5G於V2X與車隊管理之應用
What are the main R&D areas of the IVRDC? (1) Development of electrification for the entire commercial vehicle series and establishment of a dynamometer for chassis testing and verification.
(2) Development and application of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS);
(3) Application of 5G in V2X communication and fleet management.
4 智慧載具研發中心有哪些研究設備? 全輪驅動馬達系統測試平台、底盤動力計、電動汽車充電設備、dSPACE車輛模擬軟體模組、ANSYS專業應用模擬、Simcenter Amesim系統工程設計軟體、NX電腦輔助設計軟體、Teamcenter PLM產品生命週期管理系統等軟硬體,詳細資訊可參考中心網站。
What research equipment does the IVRDC have? AVL 4WD E-axle test system, AVL RoadSim 72" MIM 4X4 Truck, electric vehicle charging equipment, dSPACE SCALEXIO Real-Time HiL simulator system, Ansys Academic Research Mechanical and CFD, Simcenter Amesim system engineering design software, NX computer-aided design software, Teamcenter PLM product lifecycle management system, etc. For software and hardware, please refer to the center website for detailed information.
5 智慧載具研發中心的研發團隊規模? 中心研發團隊除了核心研發教師,有2位顧問、6位研發工程師及27位協力廠商湛積公司工程師。
What is the size of the R&D team in the IVRDC? The central research and development team consists of not only core R&D teachers, but also 2 consultants, 6 R&D engineers, and 27 collaborative partner engineers from LSC Co., Ltd.
6 智慧載具研發中心與哪些企業或機構有合作關係? 中心主要合作企業為台塑貨運公司,另有台大先進動力研發中心、工研院機械所(ITRI)、財團法人車輛研究測試中心(ARTC)及湛積公司(LSC)等10多家協力廠商。
Which companies or institutions does the IVRDC cooperate with? The main cooperating company of the center is Formosa Plastics Transport Co., Ltd., and there are more than 10 third-party manufacturers such as NTUME-Advanced Power R&D Center, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Automotive Research & Testing Center (ARTC) and LSC Co., Ltd. (LSC).
7 智慧載具研發中心的智慧載具產品是否已經投入商業化應用? 中心研發項目尚未投入商業化應用,不過是目前努力的目標。
Have IVRDC's smart vehicle products been put into commercial application? The IVRDC research and development project has not yet been put into commercial application, but it is one of the goals.
8 智慧載具研發中心有工讀實習的機會嗎? 中心每年有2~3個工讀實習名額。
Does IVRDC have work-study internship opportunities? IVRDC has 2~3 work-study internship positions available every year.
9 智慧載具研發中心開發哪些智慧載具產品? 中心目前以開發2.5噸商用智慧化電動貨車為主,將來會朝向3.5噸、5噸、12噸以及18.5噸大貨車持續發展。
What smart vehicle products are under development by the IVRDC? IVRDC is currently focused on development of 2.5-ton commercial smart electric trucks, and will continue to develop towards 3.5-ton, 5-ton, 12-ton and 18.5-ton large trucks in the future.
10 如何聯繫智慧載具研發中心? 電話:02-2908-9899 分機 3238
中心位置:新校區 智慧載具研發中心
How do I reach the IVRDC office? TEL:886-2-2908-9899 ext.3238
Address:84 Gungjuan Rd., Taishan Dist. New Taipei City 243303, Taiwan
SOURCE: Sources